Dr. Sebastian Brackenridge
The Gayest Man in the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Dr Sebastian Brackenridge: Gayest Man in the United Kingdom
Outrageous, irreverent and always spot on...
There is a new Queen in Great Britain and he can wear the shite out of a tiara!
Hailing from his historic and well-appointed country estate in the Scottish Highlands, (King George III was rumored to have relieved the Royal "Wee" there once or twice), Dr. Brackenridge is incredibly intelligent, gay as the day is long, ruggedly handsome, unnervingly charming, daringly modest, deliciously naughty and.... well, did we mention... very....very gay?
A graduate of Oxford University* and #2,156 in line for the British Throne*, Dr. Sebastian Brackenridge is a world-renowned supernatural/demigod historian, a social media influencer and a pet video aficionado. Known for his hysterical take on the things that go bump and sometimes burp in the night, Dr. Brackenridge's sold-out lecture series provides an unvarnished and very revealing take on the supernatural, everything that's British, Irish and of course Scottish, and of course opinions on the millions of demented things happening in the world, thereby providing the sort of insights that are not spoken of in polite company. He is also known for never being late for dinner and being a few sandwiches short a picnic.
The delightful Supernatural Historian, Public Figure and Social Media Influencer has stolen the hearts of Great Britain one lecture at a time and is now taking the world by storm with his outrageously hysterical lecture series, along with his message of unconditional love and radical inclusion.
A perfect parody of a very British radio program, Dr. Sebastian Brackenridge- The Gayest Man in the United Kingdom will leave you wondering..."Will I ever get the time back I wasted listening to that WANKER..."*
*Maybe/Maybe Not
May 29,2020

The Reviews
are in.
© 2023 by Vasilios C. Birlidis.
For more information, including personal appearances/lectures bookings: